Statistics of Metro Municipality Receives Special Award from the Mayor of Metro Municipality πŸ† - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

TELAH RILIS! Publikasi Hasil Pencacahan Lengkap Sensus Pertanian Tahap II : Usaha Pertanian Perorangan (UTP) Subsektor Pertanian Kota Metro, Unduh disini

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Statistics of Metro Municipality Receives Special Award from the Mayor of Metro Municipality πŸ†

Statistics of Metro Municipality Receives Special Award from the Mayor of Metro Municipality πŸ†

February 19, 2025 | Other Activities

Statistics of Metro Municipality has been honored with a Special Award from the Mayor of Metro Municipality, Dr. H. Wahdi, Sp.OG (K), in recognition of its dedication and contributions to sectoral statistics development and the strengthening of One Data Indonesia (SDI) in Metro Municipality in 2024.

This award serves as an appreciation for the agency’s active role in improving the quality of sectoral data and enhancing cross-agency coordination to support the realization of One Data Indonesia in Metro Municipality.

May this achievement further inspire Statistics of Metro Municipality to continue fostering synergy with all stakeholders in establishing better data governance for development based on accurate and reliable data.

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